Junior Room
Infants-2nd class
June 15th -19th
1. Active activities from Twinkl
2. Virtual School Tour
June 15th -19th
1. Active activities from Twinkl
2. Virtual School Tour

active_schools_week_and_virtual_tour.pdf |
Infants-2nd class
June 8th -12th
1. Reading 20 mins every day any book you like
2. Finish off any pages in books not yet completed
3. Writing- Junior infants to write 3/4 sentences about themselves and picture
Senior infants to write 5/6 sentences about their favourite place and picture
1st and 2nd class to write 1/2 pages about their plans for the summer holidays and picture.
These can be sent into me by email
4. Maths ixl maths.com these are fun online activities which are done by class
5. Daily exercise as part of active school week:
- 20 jumps on right foot
- 20 jumps on left foot
- 30 squats
- 30 jumping jacks
- Run on spot 20 seconds
- Plank 20 seconds
- Practice skipping cycling any outdoor physical activity you enjoy for at least 20 mins each day
This week’s homework reflects the fact that we would be finishing off most work in school at this point and also would be finished giving homework. We hope you enjoy the next two weeks where the most important activity is reading every day.
Junior infant work
June 2nd -5th
1. Practice and revise letters and sounds
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading – Practice nursery rhymes this is an important skill. Can you hear the sound in the middle of the word rat wet bin cup etc use small 3 letter words Read a bedtime story together Up Up and away on Folens website starlight core reader 4 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-The Fairground and interactive big book A Ride at the Funfair
7. Maths – any pages in books not yet
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 26 ar an trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
Senior infants Homework
June 2nd -5th
1. Reading – Kate’s Sandcastle core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with Kate’s Sandcastle
2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – Finish any pages not completed in maths book
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 16 The Beach and interactive big book Sammy to the rescue on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 25 Ar an trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
2-5th June
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – any book for 20 mins
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
4. Writing - Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
5. Maths – finish any pages not finshed in book
Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 section per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
6. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster The Beach and interactive big book Sammy to the Rescue
7. GaeilgeFolens online Abair liom D sceal 25 Lá ar an trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
8. Any daily exercise at all ( this is very important for physical and mental health)
Homework 2nd class
2nd -5th June
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – this is the most important thing to do 20 mins every day
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
4. Writing - Finish any pages in books that need finishing
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
5. Finish any pages in maths book that need finishing
New wave maths 1 section per day
Practice skip counting in 2s 5s and 10s this is an important skill for multiplication next year
Keep practicing practical maths such as time money and calendar
6. Revise days of the week and months of the year
7. GaeilgeFolens online Abair liom D sceal 25 Ar an Trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
8. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster The Beach and interactive big book Sammy to the rescue
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you
Mrs Looby
June 2nd -5th
1. Practice and revise letters and sounds
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading – Practice nursery rhymes this is an important skill. Can you hear the sound in the middle of the word rat wet bin cup etc use small 3 letter words Read a bedtime story together Up Up and away on Folens website starlight core reader 4 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-The Fairground and interactive big book A Ride at the Funfair
7. Maths – any pages in books not yet
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 26 ar an trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
Senior infants Homework
June 2nd -5th
1. Reading – Kate’s Sandcastle core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with Kate’s Sandcastle
2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – Finish any pages not completed in maths book
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 16 The Beach and interactive big book Sammy to the rescue on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 25 Ar an trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
2-5th June
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – any book for 20 mins
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
4. Writing - Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
5. Maths – finish any pages not finshed in book
Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 section per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
6. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster The Beach and interactive big book Sammy to the Rescue
7. GaeilgeFolens online Abair liom D sceal 25 Lá ar an trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
8. Any daily exercise at all ( this is very important for physical and mental health)
Homework 2nd class
2nd -5th June
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – this is the most important thing to do 20 mins every day
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
4. Writing - Finish any pages in books that need finishing
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
5. Finish any pages in maths book that need finishing
New wave maths 1 section per day
Practice skip counting in 2s 5s and 10s this is an important skill for multiplication next year
Keep practicing practical maths such as time money and calendar
6. Revise days of the week and months of the year
7. GaeilgeFolens online Abair liom D sceal 25 Ar an Trá – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
8. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster The Beach and interactive big book Sammy to the rescue
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you
Mrs Looby
Junior infant work
May 25th - May 29th
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u,f l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie,ee, x and y sounds – new sound z and zz these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading – Practice nursery rhymes this is an important skill. Can you hear the sound in the middle of the word rat wet bin cup etc use small 3 letter words
Read a bedtime story together
A Camping Trip on Folens website starlight core reader 4 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-The Fairground and interactive big book A Ride at the Funfair
7. Maths – day and night pg 110- 112 also practice days of the week
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 24 ag obair sa Ghairdín – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
Senior infants Homework
May 25th-May 29th
1. Reading – A ride at the Funfair core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with A ride at the funfair
2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – pg 115-118 addition of money to 10c
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 15 The Fairground and interactive big book All the Fun of the Fair on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
7. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 24 ag obair sa ghairdín – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
25th- 29th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 8b The Circus Comes to Town
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings nk sound pink drink think sink winking trunk shrink sank
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match The Circus Comes To Town one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write the shopping list for your mam or dad as best you can
6. Maths – pg 158 –161 time
Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 section per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 15 The Fairground and interactive big book A Ride at the Funfair
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 24 ag obair sa Ghairdín – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. Any daily exercise at all ( this is very important for physical and mental health)
Homework 2nd class
25th-29th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 8b Dr Scorpio strikes Again part 2
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings ore – more wore store snore before core bore score ashore tore
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match up to Dr Scoppio Strikes again part 2 page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths – pg 163-164 Try and complete the maths trail
New wave maths 1 section per day
Practice skip counting in 2s 5s and 10s this is an important skill for multiplication next year
Keep practicing practical maths such as time money and calendar
7. Revise days of the week and months of the year
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 24Ag Obair sa Ghairdín – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster The Fairground and interactive big book All the fun at the Fair
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. We understand that it may not all be done every day. We would love you to take photos of one or two of your favourite pieces of work or activities you are doing while at home and email them to us. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you,
Mrs Looby
Junior infant work
May 18th– May 22nd
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u,f l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie,ee, x and y sounds – new sound these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading – Practice nursery rhymes this is an important skill. Can you hear the sound at the end of a word? eg cat, dog, cub, pup (Final sounds take time to grasp)
Read a bedtime story together
A Camping Trip on Folens website starlight core reader 4 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-Eating Out and interactive big book Jacks First Chilli Pepper
7. Maths – day and night pg 110- 112 also practice days of the week
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 23 an Gruagaire – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
Senior infants Homework
May 18th-May 22nd
1. Reading – Let’s Eat Outside core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with Let’s Eat Outside
2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – pg 122-124 addition of money to 10c
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 14 Eating out and interactive big book Jack’s first Chilli Pepper on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
7. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 23 an Gruagaire – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
18th- 22nd May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 8a Our Summer Bucket List
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings al/aw sound- also, talk, walk, ball, wall, always, falling, beanstalk
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match Our summer Bucket List one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write the shopping list for your mam or dad as best you can
6. Maths – pg 155 –157 subtraction
Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 seaction per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 14 Eating Out and interactive big book Jack’s First Chilli Pepper
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 23 an Gruagaire – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. PE Joe wicks on line exercise
Homework 2nd class
18th-22nd May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 8a Dr Scorpio strikes Again part 1
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings le – apple table little middle bottle syllable
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match up to Dr Scoppio Strikes again part 1 page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths – subtraction pg 156, 161 - 162
New wave maths 1 section per day
7. Revise days of the week and months of the year
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 23 an gruagaire – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster Eating Out and interactive big book Jack’s First Chilli Pepper
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. We understand that it may not all be done every day. We would love you to take photos of one or two of your favourite pieces of work or activities you are doing while at home and email them to us. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you,
Mrs Looby
Junior infant work
May 11th– May 15th
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie,ee sounds – new sound x do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading – Practice nursery rhymes this is an important skill.
Can you hear the sound at the end of a word? eg cat, dog, cub, pup
Read a bedtime story together
Fish and Chips on Folens website starlight core reader 3 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-Healthy Foods and interactive big book- How to make a chicken sandwich
7. Maths – vertical addition pg 108and 109 also practice days of the week
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9 Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
Senior infants Homework
May 11th-May 15th
1. Reading – Let’s Eat Outside core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with Let’s Eat Outside 2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
3. Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
4. Maths – pg 119-121 days of the week Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
5. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 13 Healthy Foods and interactive big book How to Make a Chicken Sandwich on folens website
6. Practice knowing the days of the week
7. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
11th- 15th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7b Noises in the Night
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings al/aw sound- also,talk,walk,ball,wall,always,falling,beanstalk
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match Noises in the Night one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write a letter/ postcard to someone you have not seen
6. Maths – pg 158-161
Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 seaction per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 13 Healthy Foods and interactive big book How to Make a Chicken Sandwich
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. PE Joe wicks on line exercise
Homework 2nd class
11th-15th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7b The Magic Faraway tree
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings vision, tension, pension, division, extension,permission
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match up to The Magic Faraway Tree 1page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths – subtraction pg 152-155
New wave maths 1 section per day
7. Revise days of the week and months of the year
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster HealthyFoods and interactive big book How to Make a Chicken Sandwich
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. We understand that it may not all be done every day. We would love you to take photos of one or two of your favourite pieces of work or activities you are doing while at home and email them to us. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you
Mrs Looby
May 11th– May 15th
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie,ee sounds – new sound x do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading – Practice nursery rhymes this is an important skill.
Can you hear the sound at the end of a word? eg cat, dog, cub, pup
Read a bedtime story together
Fish and Chips on Folens website starlight core reader 3 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-Healthy Foods and interactive big book- How to make a chicken sandwich
7. Maths – vertical addition pg 108and 109 also practice days of the week
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9 Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
Senior infants Homework
May 11th-May 15th
1. Reading – Let’s Eat Outside core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with Let’s Eat Outside 2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
3. Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
4. Maths – pg 119-121 days of the week Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
5. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 13 Healthy Foods and interactive big book How to Make a Chicken Sandwich on folens website
6. Practice knowing the days of the week
7. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
11th- 15th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7b Noises in the Night
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings al/aw sound- also,talk,walk,ball,wall,always,falling,beanstalk
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match Noises in the Night one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write a letter/ postcard to someone you have not seen
6. Maths – pg 158-161
Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 seaction per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 13 Healthy Foods and interactive big book How to Make a Chicken Sandwich
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. PE Joe wicks on line exercise
Homework 2nd class
11th-15th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7b The Magic Faraway tree
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings vision, tension, pension, division, extension,permission
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match up to The Magic Faraway Tree 1page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths – subtraction pg 152-155
New wave maths 1 section per day
7. Revise days of the week and months of the year
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 22 Luascán Nua – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster HealthyFoods and interactive big book How to Make a Chicken Sandwich
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. We understand that it may not all be done every day. We would love you to take photos of one or two of your favourite pieces of work or activities you are doing while at home and email them to us. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you
Mrs Looby
Junior infant work
May4th– May 8th
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie,ee sounds – new sounds v and w. do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading - Practice nursery rhymes – picking out the words that rhyme this is an important skill.
Read a bedtime story together
Lets Make Pancakes on Folens website starlight core reader 3 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book (same story for this week)
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-The Zoo and interactive big book – Kate’s Cool Hat
7. Maths - number 0 -5 (lots of games on twikl and ixlmaths .com activities in book based on 0
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 20 An Ghaoth agus an Ghriain – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Senior infants Homework
May 4th-May 8th
1. Reading – Super Smoothie core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with Super Smoothie
2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – pg 110- 113 – before/ after/ between
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 12 The Zoo and interactive big book Kate’s Cool Hat on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
7. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 20 An Ghriain agus an Ghaoth – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
4th- 8th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7a The Great Outdoors Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings - Week 26 or sound- corn,sort,worn,torch,for,sport,fork,morning,
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match The Great Outdoors one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write a report about your favourite place
6. Maths – pg 125- 127 Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 seaction per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 12 The Zoo and interactive big book Kate’s Cool Hat
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 20 An Ghaoth agus an Ghriain – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. PE Joe wicks on line exercise
Homework 2nd class
4th-8th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7a A Bear called Paddington
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings lotion,infection,mention,direction,invention,collection,nation,station
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match up to A Bear called Paddington 1page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths –two step problemspg 157-160
New wave maths 1 section per day
7. Revise days of the week and months of the year
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 20 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster The Zoo and interactive big book Kate’s Cool Hat
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. We understand that it may not all be done every day. We would love you to take photos of one or two of your favourite pieces of work or activities you are doing while at home and email them to us. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you
Mrs Looby
Junior infant work
April 27th – May 1st
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie sounds – new sound ee( long e sound do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter (great fun to play I spy with this
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for each of these sounds
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading - Practice nursery rhymes – picking out the words that rhyme this is an important skill.
Read a bedtime story together
Lets Make Pancakes on Folens website starlight core reader 3 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster- Sea creatures and interactive big book under the sea
7. Maths - number 5 continue. Particular emphasis on the story of 5 and the different ways to make 5 (lots of games on twikl and ixlmaths .com
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
May4th– May 8th
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie,ee sounds – new sounds v and w. do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for these sounds also many fun activities and games on folens website-sounds make words
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading - Practice nursery rhymes – picking out the words that rhyme this is an important skill.
Read a bedtime story together
Lets Make Pancakes on Folens website starlight core reader 3 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book (same story for this week)
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster-The Zoo and interactive big book – Kate’s Cool Hat
7. Maths - number 0 -5 (lots of games on twikl and ixlmaths .com activities in book based on 0
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D scéal 20 An Ghaoth agus an Ghriain – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Senior infants Homework
May 4th-May 8th
1. Reading – Super Smoothie core reader 4- can be accessed on folens website
Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with Super Smoothie
2 pages per week of sounds make words also activites on folens website
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – pg 110- 113 – before/ after/ between
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 12 The Zoo and interactive big book Kate’s Cool Hat on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
7. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 20 An Ghriain agus an Ghaoth – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
4th- 8th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7a The Great Outdoors Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings - Week 26 or sound- corn,sort,worn,torch,for,sport,fork,morning,
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match The Great Outdoors one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on Folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write a report about your favourite place
6. Maths – pg 125- 127 Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Keep practicing money up to 50c and clock
New wave maths 1 seaction per day
Practice counting in 2s 5s and tens
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 12 The Zoo and interactive big book Kate’s Cool Hat
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 20 An Ghaoth agus an Ghriain – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. PE Joe wicks on line exercise
Homework 2nd class
4th-8th May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 7a A Bear called Paddington
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings lotion,infection,mention,direction,invention,collection,nation,station
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing - Skills book pages that match up to A Bear called Paddington 1page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week activities on folens website
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths –two step problemspg 157-160
New wave maths 1 section per day
7. Revise days of the week and months of the year
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 20 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster The Zoo and interactive big book Kate’s Cool Hat
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. We understand that it may not all be done every day. We would love you to take photos of one or two of your favourite pieces of work or activities you are doing while at home and email them to us. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you
Mrs Looby
Junior infant work
April 27th – May 1st
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T,I P,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai , j ,oa,ie sounds – new sound ee( long e sound do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter (great fun to play I spy with this
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for each of these sounds
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading - Practice nursery rhymes – picking out the words that rhyme this is an important skill.
Read a bedtime story together
Lets Make Pancakes on Folens website starlight core reader 3 junior infants – corresponding pages in pink skills book
6. Oral Language senior infants starlight programme Folens website oral language poster- Sea creatures and interactive big book under the sea
7. Maths - number 5 continue. Particular emphasis on the story of 5 and the different ways to make 5 (lots of games on twikl and ixlmaths .com
8. Joe wicks fitness for pe/ exercise
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Senior infants Homework
April 27th- 1st May
1. Reading – sea lion splash core reader Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with sea lion splash 2 pages per week of sounds make words
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – no 10 in big maths book and small maths book 1 page per day
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 11 Sea Creatures and interactive big book under the sea on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Write 4 sentences of news 3 days per week
7. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
8. If possible plant some flowers
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
April 27th- 1st May
1. Reading – sea lion splash core reader Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with sea lion splash 2 pages per week of sounds make words
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – no 10 in big maths book and small maths book 1 page per day
Continue no 10 great jungle number bond game to 10 on Twinkl
4. Oral language senior infants starlight poster 11 Sea Creatures and interactive big book under the sea on folens website
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Write 4 sentences of news 3 days per week
7. Joe wicks Fitness online for Pe and exercise
8. If possible plant some flowers
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
Homework 1st class
27th- 1st May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 6a How to make a cup cakes Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings – Week 26 oy sound- boy toy etc
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing Skills book pages that match up to how to make cupcakes one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write a report about your favourite place
6. Maths –Time pg 158- pg 161 Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Clock - o clock and half past – try doing this using analogue and digital eg 1 o clock is 1.00 , half past 2 is 2.30 ( we do not use 24 hr clock yet so only 1-12 )
Keep practicing money up to 50c
New wave maths 1 seaction per day
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 11 Sea Creatures and interactive big book Under the Sea
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. PE Joe wicks on line exercise
27th- 1st May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 6a How to make a cup cakes Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings – Week 26 oy sound- boy toy etc
4. Irish reading Cairde nua and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing Skills book pages that match up to how to make cupcakes one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
Write a report about your favourite place
6. Maths –Time pg 158- pg 161 Practice reading the calendar days weeks months
Clock - o clock and half past – try doing this using analogue and digital eg 1 o clock is 1.00 , half past 2 is 2.30 ( we do not use 24 hr clock yet so only 1-12 )
Keep practicing money up to 50c
New wave maths 1 seaction per day
7. Oral language- Folens starlight programme online senior infants interactive poster 11 Sea Creatures and interactive big book Under the Sea
8. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
9. PE Joe wicks on line exercise
Homework 2nd class
27th- 1st May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 6b Recipe for a Chocolate Brownies
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings – Week 26 are words
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing -
Skills book pages that match up to how to make a Brownie one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths –Area pg 148- pg 151 . Which covers more space which covers least space ? How may books would cover the table etc
New wave maths 1 section per day
7. Plant some flowers if possible
8. Revise days of the week and months of the year
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
10. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster Sea Creatures and interactive big book Under the Sea
27th- 1st May
1. Tables- keep revising tables
2. Reading – core reader unit 6b Recipe for a Chocolate Brownies
Literacy Lift off reader
Read at home book 1 page each day
3. Spellings – Week 26 are words
4. Irish reading sport and léigh sa bhaile 1 page each day
5. Writing -
Skills book pages that match up to how to make a Brownie one page each day
Sounds make words 2/3 pages each week
Handwriting 1 page each day
New wave English 1 per day
6. Maths –Area pg 148- pg 151 . Which covers more space which covers least space ? How may books would cover the table etc
New wave maths 1 section per day
7. Plant some flowers if possible
8. Revise days of the week and months of the year
9. Gaeilge Folens online Abair liom D sceal 19 An Dinnéar – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story
10. Oral Language - English Folens online starlight senior infants interactive poster Sea Creatures and interactive big book Under the Sea
All we ask is that you do your best with the above work. We understand that it may not all be done every day. Should you have any further queries please contact me at [email protected]
Thanking you,
Mrs Looby
Thanking you,
Mrs Looby
Junior Infants work
April 20th – 24th
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T, I, P ,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai and j sounds – new sounds oa (pronounced o as in coat goat and ie pronounced i as in pie tie) do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for each of these sounds
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading - Practice nursery rhymes – picking out the words that rhyme this is an important skill. Read a bedtime story together
6. Maths - number 5 cover activities one pg per day in maths books. Formation of no 5 down around and put the cap on top
7. Go on a spring nature walk and talk about all you can see. Revise left and right while out walking
8. Talk about people who help us in the community – nurses doctors bin man, shopkeeper etc all the people who help us and are especially doing so at the moment
April 20th – 24th
1. Practice and revise letters S , A, T, I, P ,N ,C, K, E, h r m,d,g,o, u l,b , ai and j sounds – new sounds oa (pronounced o as in coat goat and ie pronounced i as in pie tie) do these in sounds copy finding pictures for the words. Child needs to be able to name the letter, say the sound, form the letter
2. Practice sight words sheet
3. Sounds make words will have corresponding pages for each of these sounds
4. Keep practicing handwriting by doing 2/3 pages of handwriting book each week
5. Reading - Practice nursery rhymes – picking out the words that rhyme this is an important skill. Read a bedtime story together
6. Maths - number 5 cover activities one pg per day in maths books. Formation of no 5 down around and put the cap on top
7. Go on a spring nature walk and talk about all you can see. Revise left and right while out walking
8. Talk about people who help us in the community – nurses doctors bin man, shopkeeper etc all the people who help us and are especially doing so at the moment
Senior Infants work
April 20th- 24th
1. Reading – sea lion splash core reader Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with sea lion splash 2 pages per week of sounds make words
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – no 10 in big maths book and small maths book 1 page per day
4. Go on a spring nature walk talking about all you see on the way
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Talk about all the people who help us in the community especially those who are helping in our country at the moment doctors, nurses, shopkeepers, cleaners, bin men etc
7. Write 4 sentences of news 3 days per week
April 20th- 24th
1. Reading – sea lion splash core reader Literacy lift off book
Story time at night
Nursery rhymes picking out the rhyming word (very important skill)
Practice sight word sheet
2. Writing - pages in blue skills book that link in with sea lion splash 2 pages per week of sounds make words
Handwriting 2/3 pages per week of big handwriting and small handwriting book
3. Maths – no 10 in big maths book and small maths book 1 page per day
4. Go on a spring nature walk talking about all you see on the way
5. Practice knowing the days of the week
6. Talk about all the people who help us in the community especially those who are helping in our country at the moment doctors, nurses, shopkeepers, cleaners, bin men etc
7. Write 4 sentences of news 3 days per week
1st class work
April 20th- 24th
1. Tables +4
2. Writing -
Spelling worksheet ng words
Skills Book pg 18 A and BTuesday
Skills Book pg 18 C Wednesday
Skills Book pg 19 A and B -Thursday
3. Maths
pg 20 Monday No 1 and 2
Tuesday No 3 and 4
Wednesday no 5
4. Reading Core Reader Shane’s News 1 pg per night
5. Literacy Lift off reader
6. Spellings – Week 4 Spelling list and dictation every night
7. Super troopers week 1 Blue
8. Poetry and vocabulary copy practice every night
9. Library book
April 20th- 24th
1. Tables +4
2. Writing -
Spelling worksheet ng words
Skills Book pg 18 A and BTuesday
Skills Book pg 18 C Wednesday
Skills Book pg 19 A and B -Thursday
3. Maths
pg 20 Monday No 1 and 2
Tuesday No 3 and 4
Wednesday no 5
4. Reading Core Reader Shane’s News 1 pg per night
5. Literacy Lift off reader
6. Spellings – Week 4 Spelling list and dictation every night
7. Super troopers week 1 Blue
8. Poetry and vocabulary copy practice every night
9. Library book
2nd class work
April 20th- 24th
1. Tables + 2
2. Fuaimeanna agus Focail Aonad 1 – an litir á lth6 – 2 spellings each night
3. Scríobh –
Luan- Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth6 –A agus B
Máirt Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth6 – C agus D
Céadaoin Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth7 E agus F
Déardaoin Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth7 G agus H
4. Writing Monday – Spelling worksheet Tuesday – Skills Book pg 10 A
Wednesday Skills Book pg 10 B
Thursday Skills Book pg 10 C
5. Maths - Monday pg 9 No 1 Tuesday pg 9 No2
Wednesday pg 9 No 3
Thursday pg 9 no 4
6. Irish reading – Cairde Nua pg 1 and 2
7. English Reading Core reader Time Trial 1 pg per night
8. Literacy Lift off Reader
9. Spelling silent w words all spelling and dictation
April 20th- 24th
1. Tables + 2
2. Fuaimeanna agus Focail Aonad 1 – an litir á lth6 – 2 spellings each night
3. Scríobh –
Luan- Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth6 –A agus B
Máirt Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth6 – C agus D
Céadaoin Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth7 E agus F
Déardaoin Fuaimeanna agus Focail lth7 G agus H
4. Writing Monday – Spelling worksheet Tuesday – Skills Book pg 10 A
Wednesday Skills Book pg 10 B
Thursday Skills Book pg 10 C
5. Maths - Monday pg 9 No 1 Tuesday pg 9 No2
Wednesday pg 9 No 3
Thursday pg 9 no 4
6. Irish reading – Cairde Nua pg 1 and 2
7. English Reading Core reader Time Trial 1 pg per night
8. Literacy Lift off Reader
9. Spelling silent w words all spelling and dictation
We ask that you do your best in covering the above work with your child we understand that you may not get it all completed. Should you have any further queries please email me at [email protected]
Thanking You ,
Mrs Looby
Thanking You ,
Mrs Looby
Senior Room
15th June 2020
1. Active activities from Twinkl
2. Virtual School Tour
1. Active activities from Twinkl
2. Virtual School Tour

active_schools_week_and_virtual_tour.pdf |
02nd June 2020
Dear parents,
As you are aware our schools will remain closed until the new academic year in September due to the Covid19 pandemic. We will follow all guidance from HSE and the government as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Here is some homework for fortnight beginning Tuesday June 1st. I have found establishing a daily routine with my own children has been very useful in these difficult times. Here is a sample daily timetable:
09:00 PE with Joe Wicks (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/featured)
09:30 – 10:30 School work as set out below
10:30 – 11:00 Break/snack
11:00 – 12:00 RTE Home School Hub (TV)
12:05 – 12:30 Kids Fitness Class with Donna Dunne (https://www.facebook.com/donnadunnefitness/)
Please try to complete the following school work this fortnight. It does not need to all be completed in one day or week. Each family should do as much (or as little) as they can, taking into account your own family situation during these times. Reading, Oral Language (discussion) and Maths should be prioritised.
1. Handwriting – Half page daily
2. Better Maths – One unit per week
(Some have finished this book. Please ensure all “Problem Solving” sections are also completed) those finished should proceed to the attached work booklets in email. Answer sheets are also attached for parental assistance.
3. Maths – Look at AREA. Complete the unit on AREA in Busy at Maths. If you do not have this book at home don’t worry. CJ Fallon the publishers have made all their books available online. Simply go to https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources and select your child’s maths book. Write answers into a copy. Units begin on the following pages: 3rd Pg 161, 4th Pg 159, 5th Pg 112, 6th Pg 125. Estimating and finding the area of everyday household items is also a good exercise. (EG: The kitchen table, my reading book cover etc)
4. Better English – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
5. Starlight – One story per week and questions A-G. (Beginning at the next unit)
Some are also finished or nearly finished this book. Those who are can visit the CJ Fallon website and under your class and English, select the READ AT HOME series. Pupils should read a story daily and answer the questions afterward, mixing it up between answering orally to a parent and writing them out.
6. Oral Language: Folens publishers have also made their books available online. You can login at the following web address: https://www.folens.ie/login Once logged in, try to open the “Starlight” resources for your child’s class. Here you will see 12 interactive Posters. Get your child to watch, listen and discuss with you about the TOPICS 5 and 6 this fortnight.
7. Fuaimeanna agus Focail –One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
8. Gaeilge (Oral Language) Folens online Abair liom - Resources - sceal 17 – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story (3rd and 4th: Lá sa pháirc) (5th and 6th: Pairc and Chrócaigh)
This book is also nearly finished for some. Additional Gaeilge can be found by accessing the CJ Fallon website. Select your class and Gaeilge, followed by the Leigh sa Bhaile for your class. Again one story per day followed by the short questions afterward would be very beneficial.
9. Reading – Read library book (Or home book) for 10 minutes with parent.
10. Big Writing – Finish this story: I was walking along the beach on a beautiful sunny evening when all of a sudden I noticed something shiny floating in the water….. Try to use at least 3 paragraphs and lots of adjectives (describing words). When ready write your story.
11. Talk with children about the importance of both Internet and farm safety.
12. Some art ideas:
- History: Cool downloadable packs. This week it Famous Explorers.
- While we may be missing out on our school tour this year, why not go on a virtual one!! Loads of cool places to visit around Ireland and the world at the following link. I had lots of fun with this one also!
- https://julieannedevlin.com/covid-home-school/ (New lessons and activities added daily)
- https://www.facebook.com/futafata/posts/10157933052705340/ (Irish story reading daily at 11am)
- https://www.facebook.com/TJReidFitness/ (Hurling and PE with TJ Reid. Tuesdays and Thursdays at midday)
- https://www.folensonline.ie/folens-primary/ (Weekly work plans for each class)
The most important thing during these times is to stay safe and healthy. Do what work you can only. If you have any questions or would like me to look over or correct any of your child’s work, simply take a picture of it and e-mail it to [email protected] and I will return an e-mail to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Kindest Regards,
Mr Donnacha Brennan
18th May 2020
Dear parents,
As you are aware our schools will remain closed until the new academic year in September due to the Covid19 pandemic. We will follow all guidance from HSE and the government as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Here is some homework for fortnight beginning Monday May 18th. I have found establishing a daily routine with my own children has been very useful in these difficult times. Here is a sample daily timetable:
09:00 PE with Joe Wicks (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/featured)
09:30 – 10:30 School work as set out below
10:30 – 11:00 Break/snack
11:00 – 12:00 RTE Home School Hub (TV)
12:05 – 12:30 Kids Fitness Class with Donna Dunne (https://www.facebook.com/donnadunnefitness/)
Please try to complete the following school work this fortnight. It does not need to all be completed in one day or week. Each family should do as much (or as little) as they can, taking into account your own family situation during these times. Reading, Oral Language (discussion) and Maths should be prioritised.
1. Handwriting – Half page daily
2. Better Maths – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
3. Maths – Look at CAPACITY. Complete the unit on CAPACITY in Busy at Maths. If you do not have this book at home don’t worry. CJ Fallon the publishers have made all their books available online. Simply go to https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources and select your child’s maths book. Write answers into a copy. Units begin on the following pages: 3rd Pg 165, 4th Pg 163, 5th Pg 170, 6th Pg 172. Finding the capacity of everyday household items is also an interesting exercise.
4. Better English – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
5. Starlight – One story per week and questions A-G. (Beginning at the next unit)
6. Oral Language: Folens publishers have also made their books available online. You can login at the following web address: https://www.folens.ie/login
7. Fuaimeanna agus Focail –One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
8. Gaeilge (Oral Language) Folens online Abair liom - sceal 20 – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story. (3rd and 4th: Ceiliúradh) (5th and 6th: Rac gan Stad)
9. Reading – Read library book (Or home book) for 10 minutes with parent.
10. Big Writing – Finish this story: At a basketball game, your character is surprised when… Think about the things you see, perhaps hear and smell also. When ready write your story.
11. Talk with children about the importance of both Internet and farm safety.
12. Some art ideas:
· GAA Heroes colouring sheets: dropbox.com/s/xt8352nbd6196ho/GAA_Heroes_Colouring_Book.pdf?dl=0
https://julieannedevlin.com/covid-home-school/ (New lessons and activities added daily) https://www.facebook.com/futafata/posts/10157933052705340/ (Irish story reading daily at 11am) · https://www.facebook.com/TJReidFitness/ (Hurling and PE with TJ Reid. Tuesdays and Thursdays at midday) https://www.folensonline.ie/folens-primary/ (Weekly work plans for each class)
The most important thing during these times is to stay safe and healthy. Do what work you can only. If you have any questions or would like me to look over or correct any of your child’s work, simply take a picture of it and e-mail it to [email protected] and I will return an e-mail to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Kindest Regards,
Mr Donnacha Brennan
Dear parents,
As you are aware our schools will remain closed until the new academic year in September due to the Covid19 pandemic. We will follow all guidance from HSE and the government as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Here is some homework for fortnight beginning Monday May 18th. I have found establishing a daily routine with my own children has been very useful in these difficult times. Here is a sample daily timetable:
09:00 PE with Joe Wicks (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/featured)
09:30 – 10:30 School work as set out below
10:30 – 11:00 Break/snack
11:00 – 12:00 RTE Home School Hub (TV)
12:05 – 12:30 Kids Fitness Class with Donna Dunne (https://www.facebook.com/donnadunnefitness/)
Please try to complete the following school work this fortnight. It does not need to all be completed in one day or week. Each family should do as much (or as little) as they can, taking into account your own family situation during these times. Reading, Oral Language (discussion) and Maths should be prioritised.
1. Handwriting – Half page daily
2. Better Maths – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
3. Maths – Look at CAPACITY. Complete the unit on CAPACITY in Busy at Maths. If you do not have this book at home don’t worry. CJ Fallon the publishers have made all their books available online. Simply go to https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources and select your child’s maths book. Write answers into a copy. Units begin on the following pages: 3rd Pg 165, 4th Pg 163, 5th Pg 170, 6th Pg 172. Finding the capacity of everyday household items is also an interesting exercise.
4. Better English – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
5. Starlight – One story per week and questions A-G. (Beginning at the next unit)
6. Oral Language: Folens publishers have also made their books available online. You can login at the following web address: https://www.folens.ie/login
- Once logged in, try to open the “Starlight” resources for your child’s class. Here you will see 12 interactive Posters. Get your child to watch, listen and discuss with you about the TOPICS 3 and 4 this fortnight.
7. Fuaimeanna agus Focail –One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
8. Gaeilge (Oral Language) Folens online Abair liom - sceal 20 – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story. (3rd and 4th: Ceiliúradh) (5th and 6th: Rac gan Stad)
9. Reading – Read library book (Or home book) for 10 minutes with parent.
10. Big Writing – Finish this story: At a basketball game, your character is surprised when… Think about the things you see, perhaps hear and smell also. When ready write your story.
11. Talk with children about the importance of both Internet and farm safety.
12. Some art ideas:
· GAA Heroes colouring sheets: dropbox.com/s/xt8352nbd6196ho/GAA_Heroes_Colouring_Book.pdf?dl=0
https://julieannedevlin.com/covid-home-school/ (New lessons and activities added daily) https://www.facebook.com/futafata/posts/10157933052705340/ (Irish story reading daily at 11am) · https://www.facebook.com/TJReidFitness/ (Hurling and PE with TJ Reid. Tuesdays and Thursdays at midday) https://www.folensonline.ie/folens-primary/ (Weekly work plans for each class)
The most important thing during these times is to stay safe and healthy. Do what work you can only. If you have any questions or would like me to look over or correct any of your child’s work, simply take a picture of it and e-mail it to [email protected] and I will return an e-mail to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Kindest Regards,
Mr Donnacha Brennan
05th May 2020
Dear parents,
As you are aware our schools will remain closed until the new academic year in September due to the Covid19 pandemic. We will follow all guidance from HSE and the government as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Here is some homework for fortnight beginning Tuesday May 5th. I have found establishing a daily routine with my own children has been very useful in these difficult times. Here is a sample daily timetable:
09:00 PE with Joe Wicks (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/featured)
09:30 – 10:30 School work as set out below
10:30 – 11:00 Break/snack
11:00 – 12:00 RTE Home School Hub (TV)
12:05 – 12:30 Kids Fitness Class with Donna Dunne (https://www.facebook.com/donnadunnefitness/)
Please try to complete the following school work this fortnight. It does not need to all be completed in one day or week. Each family should do as much (or as little) as they can, taking into account your own family situation during these times. Reading, Oral Language (discussion) and Maths should be prioritised.
1. Handwriting – Half page daily
2. Better Maths – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
3. Maths – Look at Weight. Complete the unit on Weight in Busy at Maths. If you do not have this book at home don’t worry. CJ Fallon the publishers have made all their books available online. Simply go to https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources and select your child’s maths book. Write answers into a copy. Units begin on the following pages: 3rd Pg 156, 4th Pg 153, 5th Pg 135, 6th Pg 162.
4. Better English – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
5. Starlight – One story per week and questions A-G. (Beginning at the next unit)
6. Oral Language: Folens publishers have also made their books available online. You can login at the following web address: https://www.folens.ie/login
7. Fuaimeanna agus Focail –One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
8. Gaeilge (Oral Language) Folens online Abair liom - sceal 19 – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
9. Reading – Read library book (Or home book) for 10 minutes with parent.
10. Irish Reading – Eleathanach
Dear parents,
As you are aware our schools will remain closed until the new academic year in September due to the Covid19 pandemic. We will follow all guidance from HSE and the government as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Here is some homework for fortnight beginning Tuesday May 5th. I have found establishing a daily routine with my own children has been very useful in these difficult times. Here is a sample daily timetable:
09:00 PE with Joe Wicks (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/featured)
09:30 – 10:30 School work as set out below
10:30 – 11:00 Break/snack
11:00 – 12:00 RTE Home School Hub (TV)
12:05 – 12:30 Kids Fitness Class with Donna Dunne (https://www.facebook.com/donnadunnefitness/)
Please try to complete the following school work this fortnight. It does not need to all be completed in one day or week. Each family should do as much (or as little) as they can, taking into account your own family situation during these times. Reading, Oral Language (discussion) and Maths should be prioritised.
1. Handwriting – Half page daily
2. Better Maths – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
3. Maths – Look at Weight. Complete the unit on Weight in Busy at Maths. If you do not have this book at home don’t worry. CJ Fallon the publishers have made all their books available online. Simply go to https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources and select your child’s maths book. Write answers into a copy. Units begin on the following pages: 3rd Pg 156, 4th Pg 153, 5th Pg 135, 6th Pg 162.
4. Better English – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
5. Starlight – One story per week and questions A-G. (Beginning at the next unit)
6. Oral Language: Folens publishers have also made their books available online. You can login at the following web address: https://www.folens.ie/login
- Once logged in, try to open the “Starlight” resources for your child’s class. Here you will see 12 interactive Posters. Get your child to watch, listen and discuss with you about the first two topics this fortnight.
7. Fuaimeanna agus Focail –One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
8. Gaeilge (Oral Language) Folens online Abair liom - sceal 19 – listen to the story and comhrá and do your best to do the interactive activities based on this story.
9. Reading – Read library book (Or home book) for 10 minutes with parent.
10. Irish Reading – Eleathanach

eleathanach_349_-_1_bealtaine_2020.doc |
11. Big Writing – Write a story Titled “A Day on the farm”. Talk and think about the things you see, perhaps hear and smell also. When ready write your story.
12. Talk with children about the importance of both Internet and farm safety.
13. Some art ideas:
- GAA Heroes colouring sheets: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xt8352nbd6196ho/GAA_Heroes_Colouring_Book.pdf?dl=0
- Making dough handprints:
500g of plain flour
250g of salt
300 ml of water
Bake for 3-4 hours, until hard, on the lowest temperature in the oven and then paint them.
SOME OTHER LINKS AND ACTIVITIES WHICH YOU MAY FIND USEFUL: - https://julieannedevlin.com/covid-home-school/ (New lessons and activities added daily)
- https://www.facebook.com/futafata/posts/10157933052705340/ (Irish story reading daily at 11am)
- https://www.facebook.com/TJReidFitness/ (Hurling and PE with TJ Reid. Tuesdays and Thursdays at midday)
- https://www.folensonline.ie/folens-primary/ (Weekly work plans for each class)
The most important thing during these times is to stay safe and healthy. Do what work you can only. If you have any questions or would like me to look over or correct any of your child’s work, simply take a picture of it and e-mail it to [email protected] and I will return an e-mail to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Kindest Regards,
Mr Donnacha Brennan
20th April 2020
Dear parents,
As you are aware our schools remain closed until May 5th at the earliest. We will follow all guidance from HSE and the government as the Covid-19 situation evolves. Here is some homework for fortnight beginning Monday March 20th. I have found establishing a daily routine with my own children has been very useful in these difficult times. Here is a sample daily timetable:
09:00 PE with Joe Wicks (https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1/featured)
09:30 – 10:30 School work as set out below
10:30 – 11:00 Break/snack
11:00 – 12:00 RTE Home School Hub (TV)
12:05 – 12:30 Kids Fitness Class with Donna Dunne (https://www.facebook.com/donnadunnefitness/)
Please try to complete the following school work this fortnight:
1. Handwriting – One page daily
2. Better Maths – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
3. Maths – Look at Time. Complete unit on Time in Busy at Maths. If you do not have this book at home don’t worry. CJ Fallon the publishers have made all their books available online. Simply go to https://my.cjfallon.ie/dashboard/student-resources and select your child maths book. From here find the Unit on Time and write answers into a copy
4. Better English – One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
5. Starlight – One story per week and questions A-G. (Beginning at the next unit)
6. Fuaimeanna agus Focail –One unit per week (Beginning at the next unit)
7. Reading – Read library book (Or home book) for 10 minutes with parent.
8. Big Writing – Write a letter to Mrs Donna Dunne (Fitness Class above) explaining to her why you would like her to visit Slieveardagh National School after the Covid-19 pandemic is finished? Donna will choose a winner from all entries and will come to the winning school to run a whole school PE lesson.
9. Talk with children about the importance of both Internet and farm safety.
The most important thing during these times is to stay safe and healthy. Do what work you can only. If you have any questions or would like me to look over or correct any of your child’s work, simply take a picture of it and e-mail it to [email protected] and I will return an e-mail to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you all again very soon.
Kindest Regards,
Mr Donnacha Brennan
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well and that you and your children have enjoyed the Easter break.
As you are aware, our school will not be re-opening before May 5th.
Prior to our school closing, I provided a pack of home learning materials for all children. If possible, please continue to try to complete the activities set out in these packs. You may find it beneficial to follow the suggested timetable provided in these packs. However, it is completely understandable that this may not be possible every day. The most important thing is to stay safe and well during this time.
If you would like to send me any completed activities, please take a photo of them and send them to [email protected]
I will correct them and return an email to you as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions or require any support, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kindest Regards,
Anna Scott
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well and that you and your children have enjoyed the Easter break.
As you are aware, our school will not be re-opening before May 5th.
Prior to our school closing, I provided a pack of home learning materials for all children. If possible, please continue to try to complete the activities set out in these packs. You may find it beneficial to follow the suggested timetable provided in these packs. However, it is completely understandable that this may not be possible every day. The most important thing is to stay safe and well during this time.
If you would like to send me any completed activities, please take a photo of them and send them to [email protected]
I will correct them and return an email to you as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions or require any support, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kindest Regards,
Anna Scott